The ultimate guide to wash and disinfect your microfiber towels

As a professional cleaners, we use microfiber towels every single day, as they are a reusable cleaning tool, but they also pick up much more dirt and bacteria than paper towels! However, this efficiency comes with its own challenge: the extreme accumulation of dirt and bacteria. This is why it is very important to wash and properly disinfect microfiber towels? How? 

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The ultimate home cleaning schedule for your week!

Let's be honest! Maintaining an organized and clean home at all times might really seem like an impossible task. Some weeks we feel like we have all the time in the world to keep our house nice and shiny, while others our schedule makes it impossible to make dinner, let alone cleaning our home! This is why, at Edge Cleaning, after years of experience professionally cleaning houses, we have created a realistic cleaning schedule weekly checklist. This schedule will help you maintain your cleaning routine effective and stress-free.

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How to clean your glass stovetop

Today, we're tackling a common kitchen challenge: cleaning the stovetop. We all know how tough it can be to keep it clean, especially when it's covered in grease and grime. But don't worry, Edge Cleaning Service is here to help you conquer the mess and make your glass stovetop shine like new!

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